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International Self-Care Day

24 July, 2024

July 24 is celebrated as International Self-Care Day. SRHM has published several articles on self-care intervention tools for enhancing access to sexual and reproductive health. Please find a list of papers here.

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

26 January, 2024

SRHM has been publishing relevant research and analysis in relation to cervical cancer for the past 30 years. In this blog, find summaries of the 2023 papers on cervical cancer as well as a list of further reading from the SRHM journal from the previous 5 years. Sound, evidence-based and rights-grounded knowledge is of critical importance to the decisions to be made and the actions to be taken to improve SRHR for all. Now, more than ever.

75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights are Human Rights

9 December, 2023

On the occasion of the 75th Human Rights Day on 10 December 2023, SRHM calls for the ongoing respect, protection and fulfilment of sexual and reproductive health and rights as human rights. The 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), together with the upcoming anniversaries of ICPD+ 30 and Bejing +30, unite […]

What just happened?: Abortion in the U.S. after Roe – Podcast transcript

5 July, 2022

This blog post is the transcript from an episode of the SRHM Podcast titled What just happened?: Abortion in the U.S. after Roe with Mindy Jane Roseman, Elizabeth Nash and Rachel Rebouché. The SRHM Podcast is available for free on all major platforms.   [Introductory music] Hi Everyone and welcome to the SRHM Podcast. My name is […]

Trans Reproductive Justice – podcast transcript

1 February, 2022

This blog post is the transcript from an episode of the SRHM Podcast titled Trans Reproductive Justice with Avery Everhart, Blas Radi and A.J. Lowik. The SRHM Podcast is available for free on all major platforms. [Introductory music] Hi everyone and welcome to the SRHM Podcast. My name is Nina Sun and I am an […]

Accessing safe abortion services amid the COVID-19 pandemic

23 September, 2020

In commemoration of Safe Abortion Day on September 28, this blog signposts some of the papers that have appeared in the SRHM journal on abortion during the COVID-19 pandemic.   As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) spread around the globe and healthcare systems faced unprecedented demand, many experts warned of the possible consequences this crisis could […]

OPTions Hackathon: Fueling innovation for next generation methods of abortion

28 May, 2020

Novel methods of abortion could benefit women worldwide, however abortion largely remains an untapped field of innovation. Currently there are two main methods of abortion, manual vacuum aspiration and medical abortion. The introduction of medical abortion (mifepristone and misoprostol) revolutionized abortion care, providing women greater autonomy and ease of abortion administration; yet, it still has […]

Grant Opportunity: Innovations that put women in control of where, when, and how they terminate their pregnancy

10 February, 2020

“Women’s rights are human rights. This includes sexual and reproductive rights — and the right to access safe and legal abortions.” Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy  Unsafe abortion is one of the top causes of global maternal mortality, and it is entirely preventable. Every year, there are more than 25 million unsafe abortions, resulting in […]

Early Abortion Bans: A new wave of anti-abortion strategy and tactics

19 January, 2020

On Thursday 16 January 2020 SRHM held a webinar to discuss a new wave of anti-abortion strategy and tactics that has been sweeping across the United States and has begun influencing anti-abortion strategy globally. In this webinar, we welcomed Dabney Evans and Subasri Narasimhan to introduce their paper, “A narrative analysis of anti-abortion testimony and legislative debate […]

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

25 November, 2019

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign that takes place each year. It commences on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.  The extent of violence against women and girls across the world is alarming and is […]

ICPD25: Accelerating accountability for SRHR

8 November, 2019

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, where 179 governments adopted a landmark Programme of Action which set out to empower women and girls for their sake, and for the benefit of their families, communities and nations. We have made incredible gains since then, but […]

Gender justice perspectives of criminal abortion laws: exploring the connections to universal health coverage

10 October, 2019

On Tuesday 8 October 2019 SRHM held a webinar  to discuss the gender injustice perspectives of criminal abortion laws, the importance of using  public health evidence in challenging criminalization of abortion, and exploring ways to connect these important discourses to the universal health coverage (UHC) agenda.     We welcomed the authors of two important […]

Rights and evidence-based knowledge on safe abortion matters!

27 September, 2019

We are very grateful to Liza Caruana-Finkel for collaborating on this blog post. Liza is a sexual and reproductive health and rights researcher and activist currently based in the UK.   Rights and evidence-based knowledge on safe abortion matters! The 28th of September is International Safe Abortion Day. It is a day of action: when […]

World Sexual Health Day

4 September, 2019

Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters (SRHM) has a visible and declared commitment to sexual health and sexual rights.  We firmly believe that the recognition of sexual health and sexual rights cannot be optional in the reality of today’s world. It is central for everyone, and it “Matters”! We are committed to publishing research and evidence, […]

World Refugee Day: Advancing SRHR in humanitarian crises

20 June, 2019

Each year, the number of people affected by humanitarian emergencies continues to increase. Addressing the sexual and reproductive health needs of people affected by such emergencies is a global issue of critical importance. The respect, protection and fulfilment of sexual and reproductive rights of those affected by humanitarian crisis requires evidence and human rights-based action […]

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

30 April, 2019

April was Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Over the past month we have shared relevant papers from Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters (SRHM) journal on our social media platforms, with the aim of raising public awareness about sexual assault. We have grouped these papers here for easy access. SRHM acknowledges that sexual assault is not limited […]

Zero Discrimination day: The Elimination of Stigma and Discrimination in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care

28 February, 2019

Zero Discrimination day: The Elimination of Stigma and Discrimination in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care In many countries, laws result in people being treated differently, excluded from essential services or being subject to undue restrictions on how they live their lives, simply because of who they are. Such laws are discriminatory—they deny human rights and […]

Sexual Health and Sexual Rights: Celebrating World Sexual Health Day

4 September, 2018

In 2010, the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) called all their organisations to celebrate, on each September 4th, World Sexual Health Day in an effort to promote a greater social awareness on sexual health across the globe.The theme for 2018 is ‘Sexual health and sexual rights are fundamental for wellbeing’. Reproductive Health Matters promotes […]

Guttmacher Report: ‘Adding It Up: Investing in Contraception and Maternal and Newborn Health, 2017

28 May, 2018

This report provides methodological details on the estimates presented in Adding It Up: Investing in Contraception and Maternal and Newborn Health, 2017 and related publications, and includes detailed national and regional data. Adding It Up is an ongoing Guttmacher Institute project in which researchers estimate the need for and the use, costs and impacts of various sexual and reproductive […]

Guttmacher-Lancet Commission Resources

11 May, 2018

Established in early 2016, the Guttmacher-Lancet Commission on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights aims to develop a comprehensive, evidence-based, bold and actionable agenda for key sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) priorities globally. The Commission is an international collaboration that brought together 16 experts from Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North and South America, with multidisciplinary […]

Chile: Constitutional Court abortion decision – now in English

27 April, 2018

In 2017, the Constitutional Court of Chile upheld the constitutionality of new government legislation that would remove the criminal prohibition on procuring an abortion on three grounds:  when there is imminent risk to the life of the mother, in case of fatal fetal disease, and in cases of rape. The new English translation is available […]

Global Health 50/50 Report (2018)

8 March, 2018

“The Global Health 50/50 Report provides a benchmark across the [gender-related policy] sector to catalyse shifts in organisational and management culture and practice, the adoption of gender-responsive policies, and ensuring adequate resources for programmes focusing on the gendered dynamics of global health. It seeks to provide evidence of where the gaps lie, while shining a […]

Ending child marriage: child marriage laws and their limitations

5 March, 2018

This brief summarizes findings from research undertaken by Save the Children and the World Bank on the lack of legal protection against child marriage for girls and marriages that take place below the national minimum age of marriage. The analysis suggests that many countries still do not effectively legally protect girls against child marriage, but […]

Humanitarian crises: advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights

25 December, 2017

Reproductive Health Matters is pleased to present its latest journal issue Humanitarian crises: advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights All articles are available open access via our journal website: www.rhmjournal.org TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITORIAL: Care with dignity in humanitarian crises: ensuring sexual and reproductive health and rights of displaced populations Monica Onyango, Shirin Heidari […]

Gendered bodies and reproduction in the Arab countries and Turkey

9 November, 2017

RHM is pleased to present its latest journal supplement, “Gendered bodies and reproduction in the Arab countries and Turkey”. TABLE of CONTENTS Editorial: Gendered bodies and reproduction in the Arab countries and Turkey  Jocelyn DeJong and Shirin Heidari Health research in a turbulent region: the Reproductive Health Working Group Jocelyn DeJong, Huda Zurayk, Cynthia Myntti […]