Bridging the gap between research, policy and advocacy, and linking the local to the global, SRHM convenes and participates in discussions with stakeholders from diverse regions and disciplines, ensuring that the voices and perspectives of researchers, advocates and policymakers, with special attention to the Global South, are included in global policy discussions on SRHR.
The Continuing Fight for Abortion Rights
13 December, 2024
United by a shared global purpose on Human Rights Day 2024, SRHM joined forces with regional institutions and partners and co-organized five online events to delve into the unique challenges and opportunities shaping abortion rights worldwide.
Not Just Reproductive: Addressing Women’s Gynaecological Health Through the Lifecourse in South Asia
11 December, 2024
A discussion on the multifaceted issues that influence women’s gynaecological health in South Asian contexts.
The (mis)use of evidence in contested rights: the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls’ report on “prostitution and violence”
21 November, 2024
This webinar is centred around a commentary in the SRHM Journal which raises concerns about the basis on which a recent report on ‘prostitution and violence,’ by a UN human rights expert, rests its arguments.
Pleasure Matters
9 September, 2024
On 5 September 2024, SRHM cohosted a dynamic and engaging webinar with The Pleasure Project and the Agents of Ishq, in commemoration of World Sexual Health Day. This event marked the launch of the first Special Collection of the SRHM Journal on Sexual Pleasure.
Using Evidence for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Action in Today’s World
1 July, 2024
SRHM convened a landmark meeting in June 2024 in Rabat, Morocco, on strategic and inclusive approaches to evidence creation, dissemination, and communication within the SRHR field.
What do oral contraceptives have to do with human rights abuses in sport?
8 May, 2024
In this webinar by SRHM, our panellists urgently revisited how faulty assumptions about oral contraceptive pills—introduced by World Athletics and their recruited experts, and then readily accepted by the courts—have led to the sidestepping of human rights and medical ethics and, in so doing, allowed sex testing regulations to persist.
Questions de santé sexuelle et reproductive: un numéro spécial de six articles scientifiques révèle des aspects peu connus des droits en santé sexuelle et reproductive au Bénin, au Burkina Faso et au Maroc
11 March, 2024
A special collection comprising six scientific articles unveils lesser-known facets of sexual and reproductive health rights across Benin, Burkina Faso, and Morocco.
Battling Misinformation and Disinformation: SRHR in the Digital Age
26 January, 2024
This one-hour virtual event brought together key actors who discussed how they address misinformation and disinformation impacting sexual and reproductive health and rights, including strategies to ensure that the transformative potential of technology can support agency, bodily autonomy and decision-making for all individuals.
Digital Justice and Sexual and Reproductive health and rights
14 December, 2023
What measures are needed to safegueard human rights for SRH in the digital space? Which mechanisms can advance legal, social and health systems accountability? The webinar, held on 6 December 2023, brought conversations together around evidence and policy considerations for a strong call for the adoption of social justice and rights-based frameworks related to the development, adoption, […]
Webinar: Donor funding for SRHR advocacy
30 September, 2023
On 27 September 2023, SRHM hosted a webinar to launch the special journal issue ‘Donor funding for SRHR advocacy’. We were joined by over 100 participants from around the world. Expert speakers discussed effective resource mobilization for SRHR movement-building and advocacy, giving overviews and insights from their papers published in the special issue. While recent […]
The Personal is Political: Re-imagining Data Governance in the context of Digital Health
20 April, 2023
While digital technology has the potential to revolutionise healthcare, it can also exacerbate gender inequalities, deepen marginalisation, and enable human rights violations. In a world where our physical and digital identities are increasingly intertwined, bodily autonomy must include control over personal data. However, this remains elusive to women, girls and those identifying as other genders, especially […]
Meet the editors: digital technology and sexual and reproductive health and rights
29 November, 2022
In November 2022, we hosted a webinar with the editors from our call for papers on digital technology and sexual and reproductive health and rights. Together, they offered insight into the theme of the call for papers and the submission process. Watch the recording below. Moderator: Eszter Kismődi, SRHM Chief Executive Speakers: Emma Pitchforth, SRHM […]
Challenging the notion of evidence: bringing rights into SRHR research
10 May, 2022
In May 2022, SRHM held a symposium in New Delhi and online with the aim to create space for dialogue on: Deconstructing the notion and hierarchy of evidence Pushing methodological boundaries in SRHR research Questioning what constitutes “evidence-based”, a “researcher”, and what is “scientifically appropriate” Questioning power in research and ensuring participation Topics covered included […]
Poetry for sexual and reproductive justice
10 March, 2022
Following a call for poetry, SRHM launched a poetry fair on sexual and reproductive justice. Of the 107 submissions, our Selection Committee invited 57 poets to publish their poems in SRHM’s anthology. To celebrate the release of the complete collection, on 8 March 2022 five guest poets shared their poems and how they came to […]
Launch of SRHM’s poetry collection on sexual and reproductive justice
11 December, 2021
Following our recent call for poetry, we launched a poetry collection with sexual and reproductive health experts, professionals, and activists who are also poets. The panel talked about how poetry can be a powerful means of expression and can serve as a bridge between personal experiences and political activism and advocacy for the advancement of […]
Texas abortion ban: what it means and what happens next
21 October, 2021
On October 20, SRHM hosted a webinar where we discussed the Texas abortion ban, the strategies being pursued to stop its enforcement and the ban’s implications for sexual and reproductive health and rights in the US and beyond. Context On September 1, the state of Texas implemented Senate Bill 8 (SB8) banning abortion after six […]
Accountability in sexual and reproductive health and rights research
18 May, 2021
On May 17, 2021, we hosted a webinar on accountability as part of a dialogue series on rights-based research and knowledge creation for sexual and reproductive health. Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) laws, policies and programmes across the world are increasingly influenced by ideologically-inspired politics and rhetoric, which lack any basis of evidence, […]
Meet the editors: call for papers on self-care interventions and rights-based access
23 February, 2021
On February 22, we hosted an online event with the editors of our upcoming issue on self-care interventions. The editors spoke about this issue of the journal, the scope of the topic, and the submission process and requirements. They also answered questions from potential authors. The call for papers on self-care interventions and rights-based access […]
Exporting Harm: Impact of the expanded Global Gag Rule on sexual and reproductive health and rights
21 October, 2020
On October 21, 2020, we launched our latest special issue in collaboration with Columbia University: Exporting Harm: Impact of the expanded Global Gag Rule on sexual and reproductive health and rights. The webinar included presentations from Center for Research on Environment Health and Population Activities (CREHPA) in Nepal, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) […]
L’Afrique Francophone: Quelles priorites en sante sexuelle et reproductive?
8 October, 2020
Le 8 octobre, Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters (SRHM) et l’association Ensemble pour la Santé de la Reproduction (ESR) ont organisé un webinaire pour le lancement de la nouvelle édition de la revue SRHM francophone « Questions de Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive ». Le thème de cette dernière est : L’Afrique Francophone : Quelles priorités […]
Ethics in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research during COVID-19
14 September, 2020
The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated the need to collect most up to date and evidence-based information on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), that can help governments and others to respond to the challenging and emerging situation. However, ethical considerations in SRHR research, such as setting priorities, respecting confidentiality, privacy, informed consent, being inclusive […]
Sexual Pleasure in Times of COVID-19
4 September, 2020
For World Sexual Health Day on September 4, SRHM, in collaboration with the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) and The Pleasure Project, co-organized a webinar on sexual pleasure in times of COVID-19. Watch the recording below. SPEAKERS Anne Philpott, The Pleasure Project Dr. T Mofokeng, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health Vithika […]
Universal Health Coverage and SRHR during COVID-19 and beyond
15 June, 2020
On Monday 15 June 2020, SRHM hosted a webinar to discuss the new reality of achieving SRHR in universal health coverage (UHC) during COVID-19 and beyond. In the current political climate, achieving universal health coverage for sexual and reproductive health and rights, particularly in the context of rights, can be challenging. The current COVID-19 pandemic […]
7 April, 2020
Written by Shreshtha Das, Consultant for SRHM Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters (SRHM, formerly Reproductive Health Matters) has long been considered as a truly global open access peer-reviewed Journal. It has, however, always been much more than a journal. A broader commitment has been manifested in the translation of selected papers into seven language editions […]
Covid-19: What implications for sexual and reproductive health and rights?
27 March, 2020
On Friday 27 March 2020, SRHM hosted a webinar on the implications for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in the era of Covid-19. We were moved by the coming together of the SRHR community during this time to discuss the situations being faced by vulnerable and key populations and the actions that are […]
Early Abortion Bans: A new wave of anti-abortion strategy and tactics
19 January, 2020
On Thursday 16 January 2020 SRHM held a webinar to discuss a new wave of anti-abortion strategy and tactics that has been sweeping across the United States and has begun influencing anti-abortion strategy globally. In this webinar, we welcomed Dabney Evans and Subasri Narasimhan to introduce their paper, “A narrative analysis of anti-abortion testimony and legislative debate […]
Forum on SRHR and Disability during the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25
18 November, 2019
2019 marks the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). SRHM joined ministers, thought-leaders, grassroots organizations, academics and others at the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 between 12 and 14 November. This-Ability Trust, in partnership with Sexual Reproductive Health Matters and Humanity & Inclusion’s Making it Work project, with support from the United […]
International Surrogacy Forum 2019
19 August, 2019
SRHM has participated at the International Surrogacy Forum held in Cambridge on 27 – 28 June 2019. The Forum explored a range of issues and challenges surrounding the law and practice of national and international surrogacy from a practical perspective. Practitioners, lawmakers, academics and other participants discussed the legal consequences of the rise in surrogacy […]
Strategy meeting on UHC and SRHR
8 July, 2019
SRHM held a dialogue meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) with a focus on rights on May 30th 2019 in New York. The aim of this meeting was to provide a platform for dialogue, joint thinking, analysis, generation of knowledge and action on the rights based perspectives […]
Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and universal health coverage (UHC)
27 March, 2019
On 20 March 2019, Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters co-organised a lunch meeting alongside the the World Health Organisation Policy and Coordination Committee (PCC) meeting with the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH) and colleagues at the Human Reproduction Programme of WHO (HRP) to discuss sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and […]
The Politics of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
10 January, 2019
RHM co-hosted a panel discussion and reception on the Politics of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights on 6 December 2018 at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The event, which included a celebration of RHM’s 25th anniversary, was well received and attended by a crowd of cheerful, interested people, all eager to learn […]
Gestational Surrogacy in the Context of Human Rights
12 October, 2018
A two-day forum on Gestational Surrogacy in the Context of Human Rights was held from 11 – 12 October 2018 in London, convened by the Yale Law School and Reproductive Health Matters (RHM), with support from Open Society Foundations. Aware of the incredible work happening in the world, the multi-disciplinary forum brought together medical experts, […]
Conducting SRHR Research in Humanitarian Crises: Challenges, Strategies and Opportunities
10 November, 2017
RHM Panel Report: Annual Meeting of the Inter-Agency Working Group
on SRHR in Humanitarian Settings
Contextualising Populism and its Effects on SRHR
6 November, 2017
On September 27th 2017, RHM’s Director, Dr Shirin Heidari, participated in the panel discussion “Contextualising Populism and its Effects on SRHR” during the 2017 EuroNGOs Conference in Brussels, Belgium, where she talked about the causes and consequences of rising right-wing populism, particularly in Europe, and discussed the political implications for SRHR.
an international multi-stakeholder meeting on disrespect and abuse in childbirth
19 September, 2017
On Sunday 17 September 2017, Reproductive Health Matters hosted a successful day-long satellite meeting on disrespect and abuse in childbirth, or “obstetric violence.” The meeting was held ahead of the Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum, which took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from the 19-22 September.
Sexual and reproductive health and rights in humanitarian settings
13 March, 2017
A panel discussion during the 61st session of the Commission on the Status of Women in March 2017. Hosted by RHM, International Rescue Committee, World Health Organization, Women’s Refugee Commission, Columbia University, and Ipas.
Protecting Women and Girls Migrating to Europe
9 October, 2016
A EuroNGOS conference side event hosted by Médecins du Monde and RHM, in October 2016.
Addressing violence against women as a barrier to SRHR
22 June, 2016
RHM participated in and co-sponsored a panel discussion, alongside United Nations Population Fund, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and member states Canada, Sweden, and Uruguay, organised by the World Health Organization’s Department of Reproductive Health and Research, during the 32nd session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva in June 2016.