Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters (SRHM) is calling for poems for a special collection to be published on our website. An event will also be held on Human Rights Day (December 10) where selected poets will be invited to talk about gender, sexual and reproductive health and rights through their poetry.
We believe that poetry is an accessible and powerful means of expression. It can serve as a bridge between personal or societal experiences and political activism and advocacy.
Participation guidelines
- Poems must speak of gender, sexual and reproductive health and rights
- Submissions are open internationally
- All poems must have a title
- All poems must be original, unpublished work
- All poems must be written in English or be accompanied by an English translation
- Poems of up to 80 lines in length are preferred
- Maximum 1 poem per submission, per person
Poems will be reviewed anonymously by an international selection committee of supporters of SRHM. Selected poems will be announced just before Human Rights Day.
How to submit
- Submit your poem at [email protected] by 31 October 2021
- Send your poem as an attachment (pdf or doc). The title of your document should be the title of your poem (not your name)
- Include a short biography (up to 150 words) in the body of your email
- Please indicate if you do not want SRHM to publish your name with your poem[1]
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
[1] If you are concerned about security, please write to [email protected] and we will propose alternative ways to submit your work.