Launch of SRHM’s poetry collection on sexual and reproductive justice

11 December, 2021


Following our recent call for poetry, we launched a poetry collection with sexual and reproductive health experts, professionals, and activists who are also poets. The panel talked about how poetry can be a powerful means of expression and can serve as a bridge between personal experiences and political activism and advocacy for the advancement of sexual and reproductive justice.


Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad
Poet, medical doctor, and sexologist (Norway)
Khosi Xaba
Poet and women’s health specialist (South Africa)
Poem: The storytelling jug
Juleini Vivien I. Nicdao
Poet and psychologist (Philippines)
Poem: After The Gag
Martha Ryan
Poet and MFA Candidate in Creative Writing (USA)
Poem: One-hundred and sixty-eighth ovulation
Amma Cynthia Nalumansi
Poet and high school student (Uganda)
Poem: Every other night
Andrea Aguilar Ferro
Poet and activist (Guatemala)
Poem: Rebel Blood


View SRHM’s poetry collection here