Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters (SRHM) aims to promote laws, policies, research and services that meet women’s sexual and reproductive health needs; to examine experiences, values, issues and information from the point of view of the women whose lives are affected; to motivate improvements in policy, services and practice; and to inspire new thinking and action and new forms of consensus in the field. The contents of the journal cover many aspects of sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Since June 1997, the National Research Institute for Family Planning (NRIFP) has successfully carried out the translation and distribution of a twice-yearly Chinese SRHM edition. The translated materials, after review and revision by experts in the relevant discipline, are distributed to institutions and individuals throughout the country, including hospitals and clinics involved in sexual and reproductive health service provision, as well as research institutes, social science centers, universities and administrative offices.
The information provided by the Chinese edition of SHRM is beneficial to Chinese readers in various ways. SHRM advocates for everyone’s sexual and reproductive health rights, especially for the vulnerable. It provides practical solutions for action. Improved or new understanding of the topics, concerns and problems described in SRHM provide material which can be reflected in teaching lectures, in training courses, in research proposals and in some policy making. The Chinese edition also helps in the introduction of new methods or new items into clinical services for reproductive health, both in hospital and in family planning clinics. The content of the journal can also provide some practical experience from around the world, for example, the provision of clinical services in remote provincial areas, such as for cervical cancer prevention, HIV education and prevention, provision of contraception, and so on.
Ultimately, the Chinese edition of SHRM improves its accessibility to Chinese language speakers and allows for a wider reach than would otherwise be possible.
《性和生殖健康要略》(Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters,SRHM)旨在促进法律、政策、研究和服务,以满足妇女的性和生殖健康需求;站在妇女立场上审视经验、价值、事件和信息,以促进改善政策、服务和实践;激励在这个领域中的新的思想和行动,形成新的舆论。杂志的内容广泛涉及性和生殖健康的诸多方面。
All SRHM in Chinese journal editions are available online and open access: