In February 2019, Reproductive Health Matters (RHM) changes its name to Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters (SRHM). Sexual health and rights have always been a part of the discourse of RHM, and we wished to fully represent the breadth and extensiveness of sexual health and rights, and reproductive health and rights, in our name.
We have put together a short Q&A to help explain the reasoning and impact of changing our name. If you have any further questions about the name change, please feel free to get in touch at [email protected].
Why did we change our name and logo?
Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, formerly Reproductive Health Matters, promotes sexual and reproductive health and rights globally through its journal and ‘more than a journal’ activities. We wanted to fully represent the breadth and entirety of sexual health, reproductive health, and sexual and reproductive rights, in our name.
What has changed at Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters (SRHM), and what has remained the same?
Rights will continue to underpin all that we do and SRHM will continue to place the topics we cover firmly within the context of the SDGs, for all nations, people and segments of society. What has changed is our organisational name and journal title, along with our websites and contact information. Our new details are as follows:
Organisational website:
Journal website:
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
Twitter: @SRHMJournal
Facebook: @SRHMJournal
You will continue to be redirected from our previous RHM sites to our new sites and email addresses for the immediate future.
What’s new and exciting at SRHM?
Along with the name change, we have published an editorial about our name change and five new articles in our 2019 open issue. The open issue papers are, like all open issue SRHM articles, open access and published throughout the year on an ongoing basis and alongside the themed issues.
Our upcoming themed issues for 2019 are ‘The Politics of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights’ (May 2019) and ‘Eliminating Stigma and Discrimination in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare’ (November 2019).
Make sure to sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with new publications, calls for papers, blog posts and more:
Whose decision was it to change the name?
The decision to change the name came about after a process of discussion and deliberation between the leadership of former Reproductive Health Matters and the Board of Trustees.
How do you reference the journal now that the name has changed?
The change of name for the journal to ‘Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters’ took effect from 2019. To reference journal articles, cite the journal name that was used at the time of publication:
Articles published in 2018 and before should be cited as ‘Reproductive Health Matters’, or ‘Reprod Health Matters’ (standard journal abbreviated title)
Articles published in 2019 onwards should be cited as ‘Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters’, or ‘Sex Reprod Health Matters’ (standard journal abbreviated title)
Did anything else about SRHM change?
SRHM will continue the work of publishing its multidisciplinary, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that explores emerging, strategic, as well as neglected and marginalised issues across the field of SRHR. We will continue to focus attention on the voices of those who are left behind.
SRHM’s mission and purpose remains. We envisage a world in which sexual and reproductive health and rights are recognized as fundamental human rights and matters of social justice; and in which the sexual and reproductive health needs and rights of people are fully respected, protected and fulfilled, regardless of age, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, geographical residence, race, colour, language, social status or personal attributes.